Scarsdale Dentist - Relaxation and Dentistry Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Scarsdale Dentist - Relaxation and Dentistry Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Relaxation and Dentistry Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Feeling anxiety (or even outright fear) over going to the dentist is not uncommon. While you may think that you’re the only one who feel this way, the simple fact is that many people (some studies say as many of 75% of U.S. adults) experience anxiety of some kind every time they set up a dental appointment.

This doesn’t even have to be a major treatment. Sometimes it hits people even when they’re just coming in for a simple cleaning.

These feelings are fairly normal, and they only really become a problem when they get in the way of your regular treatments and overall dental health. It’s just too easy for someone to tell themselves that they’ll set their appointment “next month,” or that the toothache was probably just a temporary thing and not really a cavity.

You don’t have to let your anxieties get in the way of your health. There are some simple things that you can do to avoid the excuses and get the care you need.

What Bothers You Most?

Fear of the dentist may not actually be a fear of the dentist. It could stem from something a little more specific. For example, a lot of people who feel anxious about dental treatments may actually have a fear of needles or dislike the anesthetic. Fear of pain is also very common, and so is general embarrassment over the state of their teeth. Then again, some people just feel claustrophobic when someone is leaning in right over their face.

Overcoming your fears and anxieties will require you to determine what it is that really makes you nervous. Of course, once you’ve figured out what bothers you the most, you’re halfway to the solution.

Overcoming Your Anxiety

The first thing is to remember that you’re not alone. Between 5 and 8% of Americans avoid the dentist out of simple fear and anxiety.  That’s a lot of people who aren’t getting the care that they need.

This number doesn’t have to include you, though. There are several things you can do to face your fears and overcome them so you can get the professional treatments that will ensure your ongoing dental health.

So the next time you begin to think you can just put off your regular checkup for a few more months, try some of these techniques instead:

  • Talk openly about your concerns. We’re not here to judge, and we understand that a lot of people feel some kind of fear over going to the dentist. We can’t help you until we know how you’re feeling, but as soon as you let us know your concerns, we can take steps to make the experience more comfortable.
  • Try some simple relaxation techniques. You may have never thought that deep breathing and progressive relaxation were for you, but they’re easy to learn and really do help some people.
  • Set your appointment as early as possible. This way you’ll be able to get it over first thing in the morning, and you won’t spend the day dwelling on it.
  • Bring some moral support. If you need to have a friend or family member with you to help you make it through the procedure, that’s just fine by us.

It’s important that you feel relaxed when you come in for your treatment. Everything in our office has been designed to promote this kind of warm and welcoming environment, and we’ll work with you to ensure you get the dental care you need in a place where you feel calm and relaxed.


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